Future Tech IP

Deep Tech Workshops
By The Coach & The Techy
Driven by a business demand to understand the impact & application of trending "Deep Tech" within industry, Chris Burgess (Future Tech IP) has teamed up with Business Coach Tim Hill (coachtim.net) to create and deliver a selection of courses around blockchain, NFTs, Metaverse & Blended Reality (Deep Tech).
Each half day course is delivered in a face to face workshop format which introduces the different technology, provides an opportunity to discuss the disruptive effect it has within industry and specifically your business and uses inventive & innovative activities with hands on tools & equipment to maximise the learning value.
Metaverse & Blended Reality
Blockchain, Crypto & NFTs

This workshop will explore Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning; including but not limited to image processing & data analysis with some innovative case studies from both our coach & techy real world experience in industry & current developments.
Machine Learning & A.I.

- Date & Time TBDLeeds TBD
- Thu, 21 AprLocation is TBD
The Coach & The Techy - A match made in workshop delivery heaven :D