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Deep Tech Workshops
By The Coach & The Techy

Driven by a business demand to understand the impact & application of trending "Deep Tech" within industry, Chris Burgess (Future Tech IP) has teamed up with Business Coach Tim Hill ( to create and deliver a selection of courses around blockchain, NFTs, Metaverse & Blended Reality (Deep Tech). 

Each half day course is delivered in a face to face workshop format which introduces the different technology, provides an opportunity to discuss the disruptive effect it has within industry and specifically your business and uses inventive & innovative activities with hands on tools & equipment to maximise the learning value.


Introduction to Virtual & Augmented Reality and the Metaverse. A look at the market landscape currently and an open discussion about the deep tech disruptive effect on various industries including your own. Some hands on experiences, this mind blowing workshop is not to be missed!

Metaverse & Blended Reality

Incredibly engaging workshop with an inventive hands on explanation of Blockchain & associated technology; a look at Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts & the currently trending NFTs.

Some great value outputs including setting up your own wallet and minting an NFT.

Blockchain, Crypto & NFTs


This workshop will explore Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning; including but not limited to image processing & data analysis with some innovative case studies from both our coach & techy real world experience in industry & current developments.

Machine Learning & A.I.



The Coach & The Techy - A match made in workshop delivery heaven :D

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